Disclaimer for MindTheGapps.com
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Important Information
Dear visitors, please read this Disclaimer carefully to avoid any legal issues related to using content from this website, including copyrighted materials. We respect intellectual property rights and expect you to do the same. This includes articles, images, audio files, and software. Copyright infringement can have legal consequences.
General Terms
- The information on MindTheGapps.com is provided for free for informational purposes only.
- We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information. Using this site is at your own risk.
- While we strive to provide correct information, errors may occur.
- MindTheGapps.com is an open platform, meaning content can be added by users. We do not enter into agreements with users regarding content or its accuracy.
Software Usage
- Downloading and installing software from MindTheGapps.com is done at your own risk.
- Some apps may require payments for full functionality.
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- We may link to third-party websites for convenience.
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- Users must verify the copyright ownership before sharing any content.
- MindTheGapps.com does not control or guarantee the legality of shared content.
- Users exchanging files with each other do so at their own risk.
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- Advertisers are solely responsible for their ads.
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- We reserve the right to modify, edit, or remove any content at our discretion.
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- We do not guarantee that the website will be error-free, virus-free, or uninterrupted.
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- By using this site, you agree to comply with applicable laws.
- Any legal issues related to this site will be resolved based on Nepal law.
Updates to This Disclaimer
- We may update this Disclaimer at any time.
- By continuing to use this site after updates, you agree to the new terms.
If you have any questions, please contact us.