2024 – Top 3 FREE Samsung FRP Bypass Tools

Ever got stuck forgetting your Samsung phone password? It can feel like a tech nightmare! But don’t stress, my friend. There are some cool free tools that can help you unlock your phone without any fancy costs.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the top 3 free Samsung FRP bypass tools of 2024. We’ll keep it simple, telling you what’s good, what’s not, and all the easy details. So, grab your tech stuff, make yourself a nice cup of coffee (because tech issues are no fun without it), and let’s jump into the world of unlocking magic!

Top 3 FREE Samsung FRP Bypass Tools
Top 3 FREE Samsung FRP Bypass Tools

1. SamFw Tool

SamFw Tool has been around the block in the world of Samsung FRP bypass, boasting a loyal following for its straightforward approach. It excels at bypassing FRP on older Samsung models, particularly those running Android 8 and below. It’s simple interface makes it a hit for users who aren’t tech-savvy, guiding them through the process with minimal fuss.


  • Free for basic features: Bypass FRP on older Samsung models without paying a dime.
  • Simple interface: Easy to navigate even for tech beginners.
  • Lightweight: Doesn’t hog your computer’s resources.


  • Limited compatibility: Only works effectively on older Samsung devices.
  • Success rate fluctuates: Can be a hit-or-miss with newer models and Android versions.
  • Limited features: Lacks advanced options like screen lock removal or data recovery.

How to use:

  1. Download and install SamFw Tool on your computer.
  2. Connect your Samsung device to your computer using a USB cable and enable USB debugging mode.
  3. Launch SamFw Tool and select your device model and firmware version from the drop-down menus.
  4. Click on the “Remove FRP” button and wait for the tool to bypass the FRP lock on your device.
  5. Disconnect your device and access it without any Google account verification.


SamFw Tool remains a viable option for older Samsung devices, especially for those who prefer a free and basic solution. However, its limited compatibility and features might leave you wanting more for newer phones.

2. ZeroKnox Removal Tool

The ZeroKnox Removal Tool is a versatile software designed to tackle the FRP and KG lock issues on Samsung devices. It has gained attention for its ability to handle a range of Android versions, from 8.0 to 13. The tool is appreciated for its effectiveness in bypassing various locks without the need for extensive technical knowledge.


  • Free: No cost involved for unlocking FRP and KG lock on supported Samsung models.
  • Supports a wide range of Android versions: Compatible with devices running Android 8.0 to Android 13.
  • User-friendly: Straightforward interface that is easy to navigate.


  • Limited to Samsung: Specifically tailored for Samsung devices, which may not be suitable for users with other brands.
  • May require Test mode: Some functions necessitate putting the device into Test mode (*#0*#), which might not be straightforward for all users.
  • Effectiveness may vary: While it supports a wide range of Android versions, the success rate can vary depending on the device and its security level.

How to use:

  1. Download and install the ZeroKnox Removal Tool on your computer.
  2. Install the Samsung USB Driver on your computer to ensure device compatibility.
  3. Connect your device to Test mode (*#0*#).
  4. Open the tool and select the appropriate options for your device.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to enable ADB and reset the FRP lock.
  6. Your device should reboot automatically after the FRP lock is removed.


The ZeroKnox Removal Tool stands out as a robust solution for Samsung device users facing FRP and KG lock issues. Its support for a broad spectrum of Android versions makes it a go-to tool for many. However, its specificity to Samsung and varying success rates mean that it may not be the universal solution for all scenarios. For those seeking a straightforward and cost-effective tool, ZeroKnox is certainly worth considering.

3. Easy Samsung FRP Tool

Easy Samsung FRP Tool is a popular tool that can help you bypass the Google account verification on your Samsung device after a factory reset. It works well with most Samsung models, especially those running Android 9 and below. It has a simple interface that allows you to remove the FRP lock with just one click.


  • Free and easy to use: No need to pay or register to use this tool.
  • Wide compatibility: Supports most Samsung devices and Android versions up to 9.
  • Fast and effective: Removes the FRP lock in a matter of minutes.


  • Requires PC connection: You need to connect your device to a PC with a USB cable to use this tool.
  • May not work on latest devices: Some newer Samsung models and Android versions may not be compatible with this tool.
  • No other features: Only does FRP bypass and nothing else.

How to use:

  1. Download and install Easy Samsung FRP Tool on your PC.
  2. Connect your Samsung device to your PC with a USB cable and put it in MTP mode.
  3. Open Easy Samsung FRP Tool and click on “Bypass FRP”.
  4. Follow the instructions on the log and wait for the process to finish.
  5. Disconnect your device and access it without any Google account verification.


Easy Samsung FRP Tool is a handy tool for those who want to bypass the FRP lock on their Samsung devices without much hassle. However, it may not work on the latest devices and Android versions, so you may need to look for other alternatives if that is the case.

Remember: Unlock With Responsibility

While we previously highlighted top 3 free Samsung FRP bypass tools, we want to emphasize transparency and user safety. Bypassing FRP can be risky, potentially leading to security vulnerabilities or data loss.

We recommend these methods only for legitimate purposes, such as regaining access to your own device. Consider these alternatives first:

  1. Contacting Samsung support for assistance.
  2. Using your previous login credentials.

Remember, FRP bypass might not work on all devices or Android versions.


In conclusion, when faced with the frustration of locked Samsung devices, the tools highlighted here offer viable solutions. Share your thoughts or experiences below; your insights could be invaluable to others facing similar challenges.

1 thought on “2024 – Top 3 FREE Samsung FRP Bypass Tools”

  1. Fantastic guide! These Top 3 FREE Samsung FRP Bypass Tools for 2024 are a lifesaver. The step-by-step instructions are super clear, making it a breeze to unlock Samsung devices. Big thanks to the author for this valuable share!


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